I think it is important as a parent to show your kids as much as the worlds knowledge as you can. For some of us this will mean doing so with knowledge and books. For others, it may mean trips abroad. Regardless one of the most important parts of learning about the world is knowing that communication is important. At home we can teach our kids about communicating through customs, like foods for specific occasions, maybe a way of setting the table, or decorations for a holiday the other culture you are learning about celebrates. Each communicates different ways of respect, joy, sorry, or a broad array of non-verbal communication skills. For those traveling abroad you may want to look into
translations services this way you can make sure that you are full exposing your child to the parts of the world you've taken them too! After all, a child isn't brain is so much for receptive than an adults to language opening up those avenues with exposure to properly spoken language while you do will help in opening those language pathways for use later. Regardless of whether you are capable of going abroad or not, all families have in their power the ability to expose their children to all parts of the world. The more you expose your child to today, the further they can go tomorrow!