You will need:
4 servings Pork
1 box Herb Stuffing (stove top or store brand)
1 tablespoon butter
1/2 apple
Handful of chopped almonds
26 oz Cheese Tortellini (give or take an ounce depending on what you can find)
1 Green Pepper
1 Red Pepper
1 Yellow Pepper
1 Orange Pepper
1/2 Medium Onion
1 Cup Blue Cheese Crumbles
Italian Dressing
Olive’s (optional-choose either green or black depending on your taste)
Starting with the Pork. First thaw your pieces. Once they are thawed slit them in half leaving one side connected. Mix together the stuffing box as instructed, but without cooking. Add to the stuffing the finely chopped apple slices, diced almonds, and butter. Stuff the pork with the stuffing well! Sprinkle salt and pepper as you like on top of the pork. If you have left over stuffing you can either place it on top of the pork or surrounding the pork. Place in the oven to bake for 1 hour at 350. Always make sure to check and see that the meat is cooked all the way through before eating.
While the Pork cooks boil the tortellini on the stovetop until done. It should have increased slightly in size and the pasta slightly sticky. Drain the pasta once cooked and allowing it to cool. While the pasta cools in the fridge, chop the peppers, onions and if you've choose to have them, olives. Mix the pasta, peppers, onions, if chosen olives, and blue cheese crumbles together in a large bowl. Pour half a bottle or 8oz of Italian Dressing on the mixture and stir. Put the Tortellini Salad in the fridge to keep. This can be served on its own or on top of some lettuce. Add what you enjoy, more dressing, grapes, or anything else you find makes it taste better. Almonds are a nice addition. This makes a ton of Salad so be ready for left over’s and make sure there is room in the fridge.
Now, back to the kids while the pork finishes cooking! Maybe take this night to eat later after the kids are asleep if they are still young and have a pseudo date night! If you have the time, put on a little makeup or a fancy outfit and serve your hubby the meal. Enjoy the grown up time and the time you used to have to enjoy a meal before the kids where around. Be thankful of your spouse and you may find that your spouse is more thankful for you. Every marriage is hectic and we often get stuck in cycles that don't allow for us to just appreciate each other. Taking the time you are able to find to make a meal a little more special is a good way to express to your hubby that the flame is still alive and you’re still thankful that they are your partner in life! In closing, we don't always have time in a day to do major things for each other and ourselves, but if we remember to force the day to have time for little things than we can all be a little happier! Just because we have kids doesn't mean we stop being educated adults, it just means we have little minds to grow now too!
That looks delicious!