Google+ Mommy Moments with Abby: July 2015

Friday, July 31, 2015

Hairstyles: Punky Pony

We started by taking her hair and dividing it about the middle of her eyes.  We combed down the sides and combed the section in the middle back.  I then took the middle section and took a section in the front that was large enough to start a braid with.  I braided her hair 3-4 times and then added more hair from the middle section.  I did this until we were at the back end of the crown of her head.  This is where I stopped adding hair.  I continued to braid the hair all the way to the end.  

A few weeks ago my daughter had, what she called, her first big girl birthday party.  I think she called it this because she is starting school soon and she got to pick out her friends present at the store.  She wanted to look her best and kept asking me to do different hair styles for her to see what she wanted to wear to the party.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Pregnancy side effects: Varicose Veins

Their are so many things about pregnancy that no one tells you about.  It can be shocking to experience when you are expecting to have this perfect "glow" while you are creating this perfect little creature and you will eat pounds of ice cream without gaining a pound past the ones that go directly to this perfect little being.  The realities can be very different for some, including me.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Graco My Ride 65 Convertible Seat Applelicious Review

My youngest just turned one and is now big enough to transition out of the infant carrier seat that I have been using.  Recently, their have been new suggestions and tests that suggest that a child should be rear facing until at least the age of two.  I am all about safety, but my last two transitioned to the Graco Nautilus 3 in 1 which is forward facing.  I love our Nautilus and had no idea what I was going to get to tide us over for the next year.  Seriously, sometimes the things you get attached to as a mom come out of left field and I was a little surprised at how hard it was not to repeat the same big kid seat transition to the Nautilus that we had gone through in the past.  In a way it felt like a tradition was being broken and not just delayed as I have every intention of transitioning to the Nautilus when the little is 2.  Back on topic, what am I going to sit my kid in?

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Gilbert has a FAT CATS!!!!

This is right in my neck of the woods!  Or at least it is until we move so I'm thinking I may just have to check it out with the littles! So, what in the world am I talking about? Well, we have a FatCats in Gilbert now!  FatCats is a family entertainment center! They have 5 centers located in Utah, Colorado and Idaho with a brand new center coming soon to Gilbert, Arizona!!  

Can't get enough Mommy Moments?

Need more Mommy Moments? Check out my wedding blog! That's right, Mommy Moments is getting married! Twice!

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