I don't know about you but I'm slowly beginning to hate whom ever came up with the question "Why". Between my kids and the daycare kids this question is a constant in my world. While the knowledge I find useful as a parent has vastly shifted from what I found useful in the career world it doesn't change the need to constantly be updating and researching new things to keep on top of what is current. That's why I think it is important as a mom to always be learning. If I don't know something I'm honest and say I don't, but that I will or we can look it up online if I think the answer will be quick and immediate.
So, I'm often finding myself doing research, it is college revisited, just on a more random topic schedule. It helps to have sites that can hold a lot knowledge in a variety of area's. Check out this great site and deal to help you get an edge.
I can totally understand this, my 2 year old just started asking why. The nice thing about being a mom is always learning new things. Thanks for the post!