How do you teach your kid to tie their shoes? This can be tricky, it is easy for them to
get frustrated and discouraged when tying their own shoes. So, we moms have to get creative. We have to make it into something they
created and then a sort of game! Kids
love creating things and exploring that side of their brains. That makes these special “shoes” even more
ideal for learning this skill!
You need:
The long side of a box of diapers
Foam sheets
Decorator items
Hot glue gun
Contact Paper
Take a diaper box and open it up.
Cut off one of the rectangle flaps that is normally on the bottom of the box.
Start by cutting the long side of a diaper box into a
rectangle with one side having the corners rounded.
Now along the side with the rounded corners
poke holes.
Have the kids take the decorator items and go to town! Ask them to design their own shoe! How cool will their shoe be, will it have
jewels, animals, ribbons, stickers, or words?
Now, cover the entire thing in contact paper for easier handling and to
keep the design intact during use. Poke
the holes through the contact paper and thread your laces through!
Now, show the kids how to tie the shoe. You can use the two bunny ears method or the
bunny down the rabbit hole and pull method.
Whichever works for you and your kids.
Next, ask them to try to race! If
there is just one kid ask them to be one side and you’re the other side and try
to work together to get the shoe tied. Have
them role play and teach each other.
Wow! I wish I could be as crafty as you...and I'm an elementary school teacher! ;-)