Google+ Mommy Moments with Abby: Brownie Kind of Day

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Brownie Kind of Day

Some days just aren’t made for outside play. Be it rain, snow, hail, dust, or extremely high winds we aren’t always able to get our wiggles and giggles out by running around in the fresh air. On those days, us moms, have to be creative and sometimes break our rules on sugar, messy inside play, and using outside voices inside. On this particular stuck inside day I decided to break the sugar intake rule, without a special occasion like a holiday or birthday! I know, the kids were shocked too! I pulled out the bag-o-brownies and have the kids be bakery chefs! We all washed out hands and got ready to go to work!

You need:
Brownies in a bag (or your favorite brownie recipe)
Cooking aprons or shirts for kids to wear if you choose
A mop and wipes on stand-by
Square pan
And a spoon

Assign each kid a task, each kid can put in an ingredient or some can be stirrers while others are cleaners and so on. If you have a child who is starting to read, have them help read the instructions. Talk about the dangers of the hot oven as you set it, repeat this many times throughout to help solidify this important lesson. Now, make those brownies! Each kid has to wait their turn and gets to take pride in the final outcome. Instead of you doing all the baking and the kids just eating a bunch of sugar you get a product that the kids will brag about, instill independence, teach about how hot ovens can be dangerous, potential word exposure, patience, and teamwork!

Make sure to enjoy a brownie when you’re done because chances are you will be the one cleaning up the messy part that was too big for little hands to take on. In closing, we can teach our kids to be served on or we can teach them to serve themselves. I’d rather teach mine to not be afraid to try something themselves and be willing to work for something they enjoy. That’s why I love little projects like this that we often just do ourselves, they are simple and open up moments that we can later cherish with our kids!


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