We caught sight of a House Finch as we headed to the Demonstration Garden.
As we walked past a tree full of Bell's Vireo's my husband heard a song he had studied before we headed out. So, when we rounded the corner he caught sight of what we came to see, the Varied Bunting. The photo's aren't the best, but in the binoculars you could see the color variation.
We grabbed a few shots of the Varied Bunting before he took off.
Last shot, before he flew away!
Right, after he flew the Ash-Throat-ed Flycatcher landed in a tree right next to the one he had been in!
We headed to the Eucalyptus Forest to check out the second sighting place of the Varied Bunting hoping for a second sighting. On the way we caught sight of a Summer Tanager.
We never got another sighting of the Varied Bunting, but we got to see a lot of Cardinals, a lot of Hummingbirds, potentially a Indigo Bunting or Blue Grosbeak that flew in our path but we didn't get enough of a look to tell which, a Vermilion Flycatcher, Yellow Warbler's, and as seen to the left a Yellow Breasted Chat.
The kids loved looking at the butterflies, lizards, birds, and other people! My daughter wanted to chase every lizard she saw!
Another great time with the family and awesome bird sightings at Boyce Thompson!
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