So, my most recent go-to answer to this question is either steak or chicken. The easiest way to make these things different is to use sauce. The problem I run into with sauce is that when baked it can sometimes dry out as much of the meat and the kids are going to ask if I tried to make jerky. So to keep it interesting I have started injecting my meat. That's right, I stick a big old needle in and push in the juice!
I started with an easy one that everyone likes, teriyaki! A little rice, steamed veggies, and some juiced up chicken baking and you have something with a shot of being eaten when you set it in front of a bunch of kids. I found that you don't even need to cover the outside of the meat. Just really pump the flavor in the chicken or steak itself. I was oddly mystified that the meat seemed to swell slightly despite full knowledge that I was, in fact, increasing its internal mass. While cooking the juices not only heat up and boil into the meat cooking the inside with their own boiling heat, but they work their way up and outside the meat as well!

In case your wondering, I used the Marinade Meat Injector from Cave Tools. I like this one because it came with three different types of injectors which is handy for the different types of meats you could be cooking.
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