
Monday, May 14, 2012

Nutri Verus 2 Week Review

I was asked to try out a supplement and thought why not, I already take a multi-vitamin, I may as well give this a try and see if it helps.  I was asked to try NutriVerus which is a glyconutrient which is new to the market but probably familiar to those of you who follow a more green way of living as it's made from veggies.  I'm not a scientist so I decided to just tell you like it is as a mom.

I started taking this on May 1st.  It took about a week for me to feel some effects.  The first effect I felt was that I was going to the bathroom a lot.  Now, this can be two things: 1) that this is causing a purging of my system or a cleansing 2)this causes digestion problems.  I have been through yoga training however and have learned that the cleansing process can be long and commonly you will use the bathroom more.  Most people should go at least 1-2 times a day to dispose of their more solid weight and most don't which means a lot of us could use a good cleans.  I tend to think that my system is just cleansing since I have felt no other ill effects.  Enough of the only side effect I've noticed that may cause issue with some of you.
The taste was a slight mineral taste.  While I did notice it, it wasn't unpleasant nor did it take away from what I put it in.  If you notice the photo's I even sprinkled it on some cake.  I don't recommend this, instead cook it in because any powder on a food may result in accidental nostril intake.  It also made the cake grainy, cooking it in would have been smarter of me as the taste of the cake was fine and yes, I ate the whole slice!  I will keep you updated on my thoughts regarding this product.  So, far it's cleaning my system and I feel a little more awake.
The company that makes NutriVerus is taking part in Give for Real a program to help stop malnutrition around the world.  To find out more about that program you can visit the Give for Real Site.
For more thoughts on my 4 weeks of NutriVerus check out my final 4 week Review!


  1. Sooooo do you have anything else to say about NutriVerus??

  2. If you click on the 4 week review you can see my final thoughts....
