
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

A 5-pose yoga routine for busy Moms

 A perfect sequence of 5 yoga poses you can do even if you're a super busy Mom.
Guest Post by Nicola Smith

When you're a busy Mom, fitting in a workout every day can feel like an ambitious goal. And while you may hear that you, 'need to fill up your own cup first,' when life gets busy, looking after your own health can quickly be forgotten. Enter, yoga — a workout for your mind, body and soul. Yoga is perfect for calming the nervous system and strengthening and stretching all the muscles in your body.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Mom Fashion Moment

Sometimes, I look in the mirror and see a mom who once took a little pride in how they look. Outfit used to be on point, make-up painstakingly applied, bag and shoes matching, all of it assembled with the ease that the time a person has sans kids.  Now, most days, its messy buns/rats-nest shoved into a rubber band, socks and shoes of the slip on variety (which may not be matching because who really has time to search for matching pairs), yoga pants, and one of my husbands old shirts that, with luck, doesn't have a hole in an odd spot. Let's face it, as a mom, most days are the roll out of bed and go type of days.