
Friday, November 20, 2015

TeaVas Tea Bell Review

For those of you who couldn't tell, I am a tea-aholic.  I know I have a problem, but it is very hard to stop.  Even harder during cold/flu season when I need that boost of anti-oxidants.  If I'm honest I don't really attempt to curve any cravings I get for tea, unless I forget to buy some at the store and run out.  Instead I force my obsession onto my family.  That's right I bust out the Green and Red Tea and get to brewing hiding tea spoons of these immunity ninja's in whatever they are drinking.  Red of course for the kids since it's a root brew and not caffeinated and green for everyone else.  The thing I hate about making tea, is how much of it gets wasted!

Casa qoqo bamboo cutting board

I am already done grocery shopping for the upcoming holiday!  So proud of myself being all pro-active and ahead of the game this year.  That said I won't be cooking for a big group, just us, which makes it a little easier, but still done is done right?  So, now to gather the other things need to get things done.  If you didn't know we recently moved and if your moves are like mine, the moving gremlins tend to take off with items which are never again seen.  I don't know where they go, I just know they never seem to make the move from house to house.  So, time to bust out some new stuff!  It's times like these where I love being a blogger, helps with gremlin disappearance issues!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

#Beetastic Face Paint Kits for Kids Review

Tis the season to start thinking of things to do while the kiddo's are home from school!  Why get a little silly and have yourself a day of carnival like fun?  Bust out the face paint and see what you can think of!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Remembering Our History

It seems fitting to me that today we take a moment to think of those in our lives that we have lost and those who have lead us to where we are today.  If you are like me, you fall into a category where someone in your family is into genealogy.  Chances are they randomly update you about your family tree and some bit of history with which you are connected via your bloodline.  Normally you listen and appreciate their efforts only to forget the tidbit a few days later.  Today though I was thinking about all the stories that my family members must have had as many served in the military going all the way back to Civil War.  Tidbits of their service and small tokens found to give us a glimpse of their story, but the story itself is lost.  It's a shame to have so much lost as history, both personal and as a population can teach us great things.  It can show us how to fail, how to succeed, and how to live just by the outcome of the actions people took.  

Monday, November 2, 2015

Fall Tree Handprints

Photobucket Fall is such a great time to make memories.  Football games, sweaters, hot cocoa, apple picking, pumpkins, falling leaves, the list of ways to make memories goes on and on.  So, what about those days when going outside to make a few fall memories isn't possible? Why not make some inside that you can bring out each year?