
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Parking Spot Review and Giveaway

This year we are travelling to celebrate our wedding.  I'm not looking forward to the days of travel ahead.  We have to kennel 3 dogs, makes me sad because they are my babies too! Add to that we have 2 kids under 3, one will be taking a car seat for their plane seat the other, even though he is huge and I have no idea how we will keep him restrained, will be in a lap since he is under 2. Add to that the struggles of getting the kids and luggage even to the airport from whatever parking spot we manage to find and you pretty much have the stuff of a good Halloween Horror movie, at least for us mom's.  So, when I was asked to check out some parking alternatives to what the airport has to offer (came back and my half tank of gas had magically been reduced to the red E for exciting adventures in please don't die before I can reach a gas station was waiting).

Baby Pierce: Letter to a football player...

As many of my reader's know my husband is a University of South Carolina alumni.  Not only that but he was a walk on under Lou Holtz, when he had to have back surgery, he continued playing and made it through spring try-outs up to the physical where they found out he had literally just had major back surgery.  They told him to heal up and try back.  My husband decided to take another route and played on their rugby team instead.  He knew that he never had the training needed to make the NFL, but to get accepted and then have an injury stand in your way of meeting your potential is frustrating.
We have been watching as a family for a few years now and when Marcus Lattimore took the field we knew, like everyone else, this kid was gifted and the more we watched plays and interviews we realized he is rare.  He is devoted to his team and his beliefs and an amazingly well rounded person considering just how much talent he has, it doesn't seem to have gone to his head.  So, when he was hurt last year, we felt for him, but we knew his faith and skill mixed with his dedication would carry him through and he would come out just as good as before.  This weekend as we watched the play that left anyone watching it with the instant cold feeling in the chest and turned stomach as you watch someone's life literally change forever.  My husband was instantly sending wishes that the community rally's behind this player as we saw, probably the most scary thing we could see happen, not the injury itself which is horrifying, but the doubt cross a person such as Marcus's face.  He will need the community, family, friends, the medical community, and everyone to remind him he can come back stronger.  If the end of this isn't to football, it should at least be to the strong devoted, never give up person that he was before the injury.  So, when my husband sent me this blog entry, I felt like I had to share it.  This is some of what this amazing person needs, to know the stories, faith, love, belief, and impact he has had on so many already, it is really an amazing letter and I'm sharing it with you now!  I encourage you to share it with others and maybe, sit down and put one of your own together to send to Marcus during this tough time.

Baby Pierce: Letter to a football player...: If you follow college football, you probably know by now that the University of South Carolina suffered a terrible tragedy yesterday. If you...

Nuby Fish Swoosh Review

As kids develop one of the hardest skills for a mom to deal with is the hand eye coordination when it comes to a little one who suddenly realizes they can throw.  Outside it's not so bad, hand them a ball and a target and clear the area a bit and your set, inside is a different story.  Is there a good place for this activity really? Maybe, I found one.....

Monday, October 29, 2012

Clifford Review

On Saturday we treated the kids for being very well behaved by taking them to their first Theater production!  Naturally, it was a kids show, Clifford the Big Red Dog!  It was a live musical at the Comerica Theater in Phoenix.  Check out how it went!

Keurig Platinum Brewer Giveaway Blogger Sign Ups

Have A Keurig Holiday Event

Why not celebrate with 4!  This is an awesome giveaway that your readers will love!  Especially this holiday, I'm sure they will need a few cups of Joe this season! 

Hosted by Mom Powered Media and Iowa Mom
Prizes: Keurig Platinum Series Quiet Brewer + K-Cups {4 prize packages = 1 a week}

Event dates: 11/2-11/9 and 11/9-11/16 and 11/16-11/23  and 11/23-11/30

Nuby No-Spill Insulated Cool Sipper Review

I'm working with my son on drinking from a cup at meals.  He will be 2 soon and I feel that it's a good time to start that skill.  He still will be allowed a sippy while he is at play, but meals need to be cups so he keeps expanding his skills and doesn't lose any.  So, to help I'm looking for sippies that are more like a cups edge then a sippy nozzle.  

Saturday, October 27, 2012


I never realized that living in Arizona would have me speaking and experiencing Arabic.  If you live here you know, and are potentially annoyed with the weather that has been spouting up lately.  Most move here for the easy winter months that hover between chilly and warm, feeling that the 3 months of extreme heat is an even exchange.  Most didn't plan on needing to invest in Swiffer!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

$100 Walmart Gift Card Giveaway

Do you love giveaways and sweepstakes? If so this is the giveaway for you!!
One lucky winner will receive a $100 Walmart Gift Card!
I know I could use one this year!  How about you?  Mommy Moments with Abby is glad to help your holiday out this year by being a part of this giveaway!  Enter for your chance to win! 

Nuby Tickle Toes Turtle Review

Kids, babies, adults, it doesn't matter your age a good laugh for no reason can really make the world look different or at least a little lighter.  My kids are loving turtles right now so laughter from a turtle is perfect for a whiny day!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bhakti Chai Review

I love tea!  I always jump at the chance to test some out!  I haven't tested a Chai until now!  I was very excited to get the chance to test Bhakti Chai's ice tea.  Check out what I decided about Bhakti Chai Tea.

Hot Slings Giveaway

Want to free up your hands?  Having a sling can be a lifesaver for anyone with a baby or if you have a toddler on a long walk or trip.  It helps free your hands up and can still look cute!  That's why Mommy Moments with Abby just had to sign up to offer you this giveaway!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tandoor Chef Contest!

Ethnic Frozen Food Brand Seeks Recipes Like Naan Other
Tandoor Chef hosts original recipe contest in celebration of National Pizza Month

I know there are some great mom cooks out there and would love for a Mommy Moments with Abby follower to win this!  So, strap on your creative cooking caps and get thinking on a recipe!  Quick entries acceptance closes on Halloween!!!!

Pine Bros. Softish Throat Drops Review

Ugh! I hate cold/allergy season.  When you run a home daycare it means you purchase a lot of lysol, unfortunately it also means you get a lot of Kleenex noses and for me and my newly developed adult allergies a scratchy throat.  now I hate to get lozenges because they are so hard and don't always taste the best.  Sometimes I feel like I'm taking them for a medicine aftertaste so I feel like they are helping instead of them actually helping.  Plus, I can't exactly give them to the kids.  

Brave Helmet Head

Sometimes, we get a little Brave.  The kids at the daycare have been talking a lot about this movie lately. While, we haven't seen it, it is now a big deal.  So, I had to get creative and Brave to help their imaginations come to life! Ready to get Brave with me on this craft?

Nuby Tub Time Turtle Review

It seems that once kids are old enough to sit in the bath with or without a tub seat they start looking for more than just the washcloth to explore the water. It is great for their problem solving, environment exploration, hand eye coordination, texture exploration and a ton of other developmental skills kids need early on.  I'm always looking for new toys to help my kids explore the bath and sit still while I wash them!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Two Moms, a Little Time, and a Keyboard: Bloody Halloween Decorations Using Crayon Pieces

I love this craft and am so jealous that I didn't think of it this year!  Check it out!
Two Moms, a Little Time, and a Keyboard: Bloody Halloween Decorations Using Crayon Pieces: Last week, my daughter and I worked on melting crayon remnants in order to make new, cool-shaped crayons. However, I did not have one of my ...

Bike Giveaway!

So, I got an email from someone who asked if I could share this with my readers.  I'm getting no links on the form or products to review, but since my oldest is about bike age I just felt that I had to share with my readers a chance to win a bike for their kids!  I'm entering to win one for mine to put under the tree this year, you should too! Check out the giveaway I just entered! Review and Giveaway!

Arizona Event! Clifford The Big Red Dog Live!

Does your kid love dogs?  Why not take them to see a Big Red Dog?!!!!  Check out this awesome event coming to Arizona in a few weeks! I know I will be there!  

Euro Lighting Giveaway Blogger Sign up!

$250 Euro Style Lighting Shopping Spree Giveaway Event
What a great way to snazz up any room with new fashionable lighting!  How you light a room can affect the entire design so offering a chance for your readers to win some fashionable lighting to update their home this holiday season is a great way to thank them for following you!  Mommy Moments with Abby is signing up!

$200 Have it your way Giveaway Blogger Sign Ups!

Do you think your readers would want to pick a prize?  I know mine would!  That's why Mommy Moments with Abby signed up for the Have it your way event!  Your Readers get to pick a prize up to $200 shipping included, anything they want!  

Balboa Baby Sling Carrier Giveaway!

I love slings for babies! They are so much easier to use when you need to make a quick transition from car to store and still free up you to move about!  I was excited to get to offer you the readers this giveaway to Celebrate National Baby Wearing Month!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Nuby Dishwasher Basket Review

I run a daycare and can't say how many hours I've spent soaking, sterilizing, and then scrubbing  lids of sippy's and bottles, but have definitely stayed up late to get through them all.  Lucky for me Nuby makes a dishwasher basket to help with this task without destroying your lids and nipples!

Hyland's Halloween! Use your costume creativity to get ready for cold season!

How much time do you put into your kids costume? How about money? We go all out for our kids imaginations so they can have a few hours of pretend and then into a box for next year or a sibling to use.  It's about time the sweat and funds we put into the cuteness or creepiness we create pay us back!  So, why not enter to win something useful?  Check out this awesome contest, for a backpack, cold season supplies, potential Gift Card, and the opportunity to show off the kiddo's and your costuming skills!

Simple way to scare all who dare enter!!!!

The kids were all antsy, it’s still too hot to play outside, but it’s October so the kids are itching for their outside time. Having a bunch of kids that need something to do with no time to create something for them to work on makes for some fast thinking! I was actually thinking anyone who enters this house right now would have to be ready for the nut house, because this kids are nuts! Then it hit me, I should have the kids make their own warning signs.

You need:

Construction paper
Contact paper
Spooky designs

#Curbside Chaos

This post brought to you by Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done.. All opinions are 100% mine.

I just visited Curbside Chaos to see who won and am so jealous at the makeover that Ruth and her family in Virginia got!  Their back yard was turned into a backyard escape with shrubs, perenials, and bulbs making it beautiful to look an relax in.  Taniya Nayak did an amazing job designing the look of the backyard and creating dimension to what appears to be a pretty large outdoor space.  Check out the video of the yard makeover: 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Step2 Delux Art Master Desk Giveaway Blogger Sign Up

I know my little artist would love this and since I'm sure plenty of my readers have little artists of their own I signed up to be a part of this giveaway!  Sign up to offer it to your readers here!  

Little Sloane Leaning Desk Event Blogger Sign Up!

How cute is this desk?  I signed up to offer this to my readers!  You should offer it to yours!  Would make a great Christmas Gift for someone this year!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Elmo is coming to Phoenix!

Do your kids love Elmo?  Mine do, we even went through a 4 month phase where we Elmocized after bath every single night!  So, when I heard that Elmo was coming to town, I just had to share with the other parents a discount code so you can go see Elmo too!  “Elmo's Super Heroes” will be here November 16 - 18 at the  Comerica Theatre!

Halloween Masks!

Halloween is the perfect time of year for us to explore the scary, gross, beautiful, or just plain alternative side of ourselves.  Our kids get to dress up and pretend they can conquer the world!  Why not have a masquerade party this year for the kids!  Let them dress up!  Let them eat silly foods that resemble gross things!  Let them make their own masks to wear!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

All Purpose Bag Giveaway

Mommy Moments with Abby loves bags!  This is awesome because you get to pick between an Ultimate Camera Bag (would be my personal choice not to baise you) and an All Purpose Bag (still cool I'm just in a photo-bug phase right now)!  With the Holiday Season approaching either bag would make an awesome gift or the perfect thing to tote all you need for those gatherings and parties!  

Baby Magic Review and Giveaway

I love the smell of baby lotion.  Before I even had kids, I would stock up on baby lotion and my favorite rose oil.  I don't know about you but there is just something clean and refreshing about the baby lotion scent, plus since it is made for baby bottoms it tends to give that extra moisture that a freshly shaven pair of legs desperately needs.  Problem has been that I've always had to get and stock up on lotion and the rose oil for the smell that I love.  Usually this means going to two stores for the two products, seriously an annoying task, but what was a girl to do, I just have my preferences.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Naturebox Review

Great the holiday season is here and I love baking, issue this year is I have to fit into a wedding dress at the end of this year.  Plus, I should probably find kid healthier snack.  Don't get me wrong they love stuff like fishes, but if I'm honest when nap time rolls around fishes turn into mommy-crack with a larger supply needed on those rip your hair out kids have all gone nuts days.  So, in the interest of my hips and the kids health I'm looking for new snacks to offer the kids (and my hips).  Thus, my acceptance to test out a box of snacks from Naturebox.

Pant Leg Vest

What to do with those old pants?  Maybe you lost weight, maybe you just don't like the style but those old pants can really take up room in your drawer.  Why not make some dress up clothes with them?  How about a cool Vest?

Friday, October 5, 2012

Big Bang Boom, "Because I said so!" Kid's CD Review

Kid's music is crazy and let's face it, as much as I love listening to the kid's go nuts there are times when I crave a little adult message without exposing my kids to adult language.  Try finding that in a CD!  Well, let me help by telling you about my experience with Big, Bang, Booms, "Because I said so!" CD.

July 14, 2012 Chiricahua's and the Keller Vineyard

We woke in the morning and drove around the Chiricahua's showing the in-laws.  We showed them the spot we have camped at, the area the Flame-Colored Tanager had been seen,  Rustler's park to show them the damage, the area where we spotted the Short-tailed Hawk, an area we were told the Elegant Trogon had been seen, and the miles to University of South Carolina sign!  From here we headed home.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bows-N-Ties Review

Whether your husband goes to an office, your getting married, or you have a special holiday event to go to, at some point your hubby is going to need a tie.  I love ties, they represent something so masculine, sophisticated, and disciplined in a small piece of fabric. But this small piece of fabric can convey a large impression of the person wearing it to others.  A silly cartoon says, I'm a dad who will wear this gift with pride, red tie says power, and a patterned tie can either distress or relax others depending on the pattern/color combination.  A cheaply made tie will wear and show that quicker than a cheaply made suite.  This is why the tie is an important  part of a suite.  

iPad3 Holiday Giveaway Event!

Welcome to the iPad3 Holiday Giveaway Event!  Who wouldn't love an iPad3?!!!! Mommy Moments with Abby sure would and she knows you would too!  So, I signed right up to participate in a giveaway for one! Enter to win!