
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Eric's Arabic Hour- Lesson 2

Hello again blogosphere!  I am back once again to help with your Arabic skills to the extent you are interested or can stomach it.  This is the second lesson in Arabic that I have done and it covers the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th letters of the Arabic alphabet.  You can find the first lesson here for reference. 

Sponsored Video: What Kids say about Health

So, I have been recovering from my Lypoma removal that was on my shoulder and to help work my way back into computer I've been trolling the web and found the cutest video on kid's opinions of health. It reminded me of that old Bill Cosby show "Kid's Say the Darn-est Things". Anyway, I figured I'd share it with you will I recover further and get back into posting. Check out these adorable kid responses!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Delight Your Mom with Exclusive Jewellery on this Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is celebrated all over the globe to honor and express love for mothers. In every ones life, mothers play the most pivotal part. She bears all pain and suffering to bring her child in this world. She can rise to any extent in order to give her children a comfortable and smooth future. She never expects anything in return from her offspring. Her child’s immense success is the best gift for her. Therefore, to honor them mother’s day is celebrated. Have you already planned any mothers day gifts for this year? If not then here are some exclusive ideas for you.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Power Yoga for Moms by Kristin Wells

As everyone knows, motherhood is a full-time job. Moms describe it as the most wonderful job in the world. But it leaves very little time to exercise, de-stress, and rid all the tension that normally builds during the day. 

Some women address this need with an early-morning run, a weekend gym class, or a basement treadmill. But motivation is often lacking during the wee hours of the morning, and weekend classes are usually drenched in mommy guilt. Treadmills are, as they say, so yesterday.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Kristin Wells Bio!!!!!!

I've been lucky to have met some great writers in my time as a blogger and with me being out from surgery I've asked a few to help me out with a Guest Post!  Let me introduce my first Guest Blogger of the weekend Kristin Wells.  She has agreed to share her knowledge of Yoga with us which will post Saturday!  Her ability to take potential obstacles in life and discover new paths for herself in them is inspirational and truly within the teachings of the yoga practice.  Let me introduce to you, Guest Blogger: Kristin Wells!!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

LaDonna Dennis - 2012 StartupNation Leading Moms in Business Competition

Vote for an amazing lady! I am a moderator at Mom Blog Society and this woman has not only allowed me to share in her adventure of running an online Network, but she has helped my personal blog with mentoring and suggestions. I hope that she gets all the recognition she deserves for devoting her time to bloggers like me and mom's around the world. She works hard to bring together business's and bloggers, to get mom's information in the form of articles, and to provide a forum for both bloggers and mom's to network, grow, learn, and socialize in a world that sometimes requires a common place for us to meet. Thank you LaDonna Dennis! If you want to thank LaDonna or support me, please help me support her and vote: LaDonna Dennis - 2012 StartupNation Leading Moms in Business Competition!

Circus Vargas Review

So, I went to Circus Vargas two Saturdays ago and unfortunately that weekend my entire family got sick with bronchitis which then led me to get tonsillitis.  Thus, the late review.  A circus is a moment in your childhood where the imagination comes to life.  It is full of possibility and wonder mixed in with a bit of the macabre fascinations our minds encounter as a child.  Often we see the excitement of things and miss the stuff our parents catch or see as flaws.  My review will touch on the things I saw as a parent and the enjoyment I saw as a parent in my child while attending Circus Vargas.

My Kid's Health iPad app review and giveaway!!!!

My Kid's Health: The Must-Have iPad app for parents

What is My Kid's Health?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Tonight is debate night and for those of us in AZ, it's a big deal because it is here in Phoenix!  They have been showing the stages of set up on the news all week to gear us up for the debate and yesterday hopefuls started their arrival.  So, many of you are asking, Why do I care, I'm only a parent, and politics aren't my thing.  Well, make them your thing and here is why:

Bunk Beds sure have changed!

How many of you have a large family?  Basically, how many have more than 2 kids?  I have been thinking a lot about this lately.  No, family and friends we are not expecting, this year, but I would like a large family.  Eventually, we will move up as my husband advances in his job and potentially move to an area where housing is more expensive.  This means that while each kid has their own room now, plus guest rooms their will be a time when that isn't possible.  How do you manage it?  If I am going to bring the maybe we should have a larger family talk to the husband I want to have these details worked out.

Holiday Shopping Woes Already?!!!

So, we just had Valentine's Day and while I'm sure many will be taking a shopping break I am already on the move searching for the great deals for Easter, Father's Day, and my Anniversary.  I love using google for searching for stuff because they seem to bring everyone up in their searches.  I would like to say that I think Valentine's day is the easiest holiday to find gifts for because they are everywhere!  The rest of the holiday's, not so much.  I mean it's not like we all get married on the same day for the Wedding Anniversary sales!  So, I need your help on a  few Holiday's I'm trying to get the jump on!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

Atkins at Two?!!! My Picky Eater Problem!

I don't know about the rest of you out their, but I am dealing with a picky eater.  My daughter has always been a carnivore, but I used to be able to get her to eat pasta, some veggies, and fruits.  She has just turned two and my already picky eater is now reducing her diet even further!  She seems to have put herself on some form of two year old atkins diet where she will only eat bacon, chicken, and hamburger!  If I'm lucky she might take a bite of cheese for me, but is now rejecting the old favorite yogurt granola parfait with frozen fruit with demands of the sizzled pork!  What is a mom to do?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Reader Appreciation!

Here is this months scrap-booking reader appreciation downloads!  You can use them with the My Memories Software or any other programs.  Take some time now that the Holiday season is slowing to put those memories into a scrapbook.

Virasana or Kneeling Pose

Each week, 2-3 days, we do a 15 minute yoga work out in my home daycare. Kids from 1 1/2 to 4 do this and each does as much as they are able and in a way they are capable of giving them all get a nice stretch, a scheduled work out time, and some fun new body movements. We do thesun salutations and then add a few jumps, hops, new yoga pose, and teacher assisted summersaults at the end. In doing these poses always consult a doctor first, only attempt what is in your child’s ability level, and do what is comfortable for your and their body. These are only suggestions and like any exercise you and your children try them at your own risk.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Math Learning Tips for Kindergarten and First Grade

We all thought, unless we made it a profession, that most of the math we learned in high school would leave us forever never to be seen again!  We hap-hazardly memorized the material making sure to use the brain space later if needed.  Well, now I run a daycare and have two kids of my own and guess what, I'm facing how to teach math to those kids!  Learning tools are needed and I live in fear of the days those big books come home and I'm at a loss for how to help without re-learning it myself in the wee hours of the morning.  

Hours in a Day

Guest post written by my buddy Lavern Small

There are only so many hours in a day but I feel like I work all of them. Even when I lay down to sleep at night my head is just spinning at all the things I have to do the next day when I get into the office, to be honest, it’s no way to live your life. My wife went to last week to get us some movie channels in hopes I would be able to relax with her when I got home from work but as it turns out I don’t think that’s going to happen. I bring my laptop home with me and at the end of the day I think it’s really important to get stuff done in a timely manner even if my wife doesn't understand. It’s definitely a slippery slope because I know that the more I’m available to my coworkers when I’m home the more they’re going to take advantage of that but you know, I feel like it’s all a small price to pay.

Netbook Giveaway!

The Asus 10.1" 1015PX Netbook PC provides the perfect combination of a rich multimedia and Internet experience with a unique look all its own. This cheerful design, exclusive to Walmart, will match your personal style while meeting your technology needs, all with the quality you would expect from the most reliable Windows-based portable PC brand.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Big Kiss to all my Readers!

Happy Valentine's Day!  You are all very special in my heart and I wanted to send you all a Big Kiss From me!!!  Leave how you spent your Valentine's Day below!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Get your Valentine a Great Car Seat Canopy with this code!

Use Promo Code "VALENTINE" at TODAY!
Carseat Canopy. *All styles available while supplies last! Click Here. It's as easy as 1-2-3:

It's as easy as 1-2-3!

1.  Go to
2.  Click on "Shop Now" and select any carseat canopy you like.
3.  Once you have made your selection, you'll automatically be directed to the shopping bag.
     Enter the promo code " 
VALENTINE " and we will deduct 100% off the cost of the canopy
     - all you pay is the shipping fees! This promo code is also good for $50 off the cost of any of      our 5-Piece Whole Caboodle Sets!

Remember: the promo code is " 
VALENTINE " and you can use it more than once - just open a new browser window each time you do.
These Products make great gifts.
Selections dwindle quickly, so get yours today!

Novica's New Home Party Opportunity!

NOVICA LIVE from Novica United on Vimeo.
If you like this site and are tired of the usual Scentsy, Mary Kay, and other home party businesses out their then sign up for Novica's newest opportunity!  

Novica Shopping Site Review

Lately I have been musing over shopping.  Lucky for me I was asked to review an online store/store party company.  I accepted and browsed the site.  It was very hard to find an item to order.  They have a large variety of things made by artisans around the world making the selection difficult to decide on.  Lucky for me they categorized things in many different ways!  My favorite way, as always is their Unique Gifts was also sorted by gifts under $30.  Now is where I ran into my dilemma.  Do I get clothing, jewelry, artwork, bags, and home decor.  

Novica Giveaway!

Novica Giveaway!  Enter to win a $37.50 dollar gift card to!  Buy something from one of the many worldwide artisan's located at this site!  Feel good that you're shopping has supported someone working to support themselves through their craft from the world over and maybe look at being a representative for Novica yourself!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Rant, because it's my blog

Can someone explain why others don't seem to know how to use a car?  I recently went to Circus Vargas (review to come later) and when I left someone decided to block me in!  Let me lay it out for you.  It was set up in the Mall parking lot, so naturally the spaces are all angled and you drive up one and down the other.  Seems easy right?  Apparently not!  For some reason some jerk decided to pull in straight meaning they blocked half of my spot!  Awesome!  So, I did what I could and back up as close as I could to the car using my mirrors to make sure I didn't hit the car.  This is where it gets even better.  Now the car blocking me in is a beater.  As I put on the brake, suddenly their is a man outside my window.....

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sugar and Spice, You Add the Nice!

The last spicy tid-bit that I threw in the sexy bag was the most obvious.  It was there in the request the whole time!  Spices!  What else can spice up life than some good spices right!  So, letting my taste buds lead me, and inspiration stemming from an NCIS rerun reference to something called Honey Dust.  I put together my own naughty night taster kit.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Potty Time Review

I have a daycare full of kids of all ages.  Add to that, my daughter has a strong will and mind of her own.  So, now that she is 2, we are trying to find a way to potty train while running a daycare.  Plus, encourage a few others to start potty training and solidify potty habits of the older kids who sometimes need help remembering to wash hands and wipe after going.  All in all, it’s a time consuming nightmare that I personally wish they would know with a good night’s sleep and the turning of 2.  Alas, that is not the case and so I am on the potty training trail!

Getting organized and taking Names!

So, this year I'm trying to get my life streamlined.  I've got a recipe organizer, a daily calendar, and now clipix.  I can save all the recipes in my organizer for easy access during meals.  I record the doctor, vet, and trip plans on the calendar with everyone's special days to make sure I'm on top of the day to day family life.  I save all the present ideas, crafts for the daycare, books I want to read, clothes I like, kids clothes I like, shoes I like, things the husband may like, potential items for the etsy store, potential doggy deals, and things I'd love in the home!

Found a Great Valentine Deal for new moms!

Use Promo Code "VALENTINE" at TODAY!
Udder Covers. *All styles available while supplies last! Click Here. It's as easy as 1-2-3:

It's as easy as 1-2-3!

1.  Go to
2.  Click on "Shop Now" and select any nursing cover you like.
3.  Once you have made your selection,

 you'll automatically be directed to the shopping bag.
     Enter the promo code " 
VALENTINE " and has agreed to deduct 100%
     of the cost of the cover - all you pay is the shipping fees!

Remember: the promo code is " 
VALENTINE " and you can use it more than once - just open a new browser window each time you do.
These Products make great gifts.
Selections dwindle quickly, so get yours today!

Taxes, Should be Considered a Discouraging Word!!!!

I just need to vent!  I have about had it with tax season!  I'm getting all the numbers together to do the taxes and each year finding what I need for the daycare taxes is insane.  You literally have to be a educated with a certificate in tax preparation to just know what numbers you even need to fill out the forms, not to mention which forms they want you to fill out this year, because their is always one that is different, added on, or no longer needed.  So, lately, in between going bald from ripping my hair out, trying to mask the twitch I've developed in my eye with crazy hats and head pieces that cover half my face, and praying I don't just break down into tears regularly I've thought about doing just that!  Maybe it's time this mom blogger, daycare owner, and pseudo-financial wiz extraordinaire fix the situation by getting a real education in preparing taxes!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wordless Wednesdays!

Sometimes we all just want to be silly!  That’s when we start drawing on windows and growing mustaches!  That’s right, we got some of those window crayons and started having fun.  Check out our stache’s!  Just make sure you have some Windex Handy!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cold Season is Here! Time to find ways to save on our medications!

This post brought to you by Walgreens. All opinions are 100% mine.

Cold season is here and when you run a daycare it means you will be hunting for ways to save on the meds you'll undoubtable need this season!  I am a Lysol and disinfectant wipe fanatic, but kids don't always keep their germs to surfaces I can clean or disinfect.  Unfortunately, this means that no matter what I do I will undoubtable need to have to take my kids to the doctor for antibiotics or a variety of other meds.  It all adds up!  

Thankfully my pharmacy is Walgreens and they have a new Walgreens Prescription Savings Club!  For $35 a year for my family, including the fur babies, we can receive discounts on our meds.  It ends up in a total savings since I have 3 dogs and one has valley fever, plus any mommy or kid meds.  They offer a list of included meds online you can check to see if yours are included in the plan or if you are able to ask your doctor to switch you to having.  Not only does it include meds for my pets, but I noticed it also includes nebulizer (I'm asthmatic) and diabetic supplies.  If you are diabetic and we have some extended family that is, saving money on your supplies is definitely worth the $35 dollars for the family package or the $20 individual packages!  

I naturally had the first reaction of, well what else can it save me, because I'm a miser when it comes to money.  I found that it also gives you bonus's on some Walgreens' brand products and photo services.  Talk about a bonus, it saves me on all our prescriptions, plus it saves me again on other products!  I think I will go ahead and like you right now Walgreens on Facebook and follow you Walgreens on Twitter to show my appreciation and keep track of what you come up with next!

Visit Sponsor's Site

Garter Fun!

The second piece of sexy that I decided to create stemmed off of the duster which reminded me of a sexy maid costume.   I pulled out the movie “Clue” for inspiration. Whatever her name was came on screen and I realized that every sexy anything you see, maid, lingerie, etc, have a garter!  Let me see, I have scraps of fabric, bows, elastic, and thread in my craft supplies!  Oh, joy I can do this too! 

Now, I hate sewing so this was not my favorite to make, but it turned out super cute!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Oransi Fridge Air Purifier Giveaway

Kick the smells of last nights dinner out of your fridge!  If you make fish, heavily seasoned food, or use a lot of products that spoil fast; than you have experienced the smelly fridge fiasco!  To get ride of this enter to win an Air Purifier for your Fridge from Oransi!  Enter to win below!

Oransi Fridge Air Purifier Review

As I've stated a million times, I run a daycare plus own dogs.  You can just imagine how my fridge smells with all the bottles, left overs, juices, milks, and easy on the tummy doggy food (my own recipe).  If you can't I'll tell you, bad.  Their are so many things fighting to have their scent smelled that it can create a potpourri of food smells that just doesn't blend well and it gets worse if we have crab shipped in from Maryland or I make Yellow Curried Lamb.  Heaven forbid it be a day where I have a migraine or am experiencing a womanly issue which can upset my stomach!  This made me jump at the chance to test out the Oransi Fridge Air Purifier. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Lovable Labels Giveaway

I know that most of my followers have kids and therefore could use a way to keep track of their stuff at camp, school, daycare, and a variety of other events.  I recently received some Lovable Labels to Review and now I get to offer a Friendship Package to my readers!

Loveable Labels Review!!!!

I run a daycare and often can end up with more than one kid having the same sippy, wipes, diapers, or diaper cream.  This can be annoying and cause problems when it comes to packing up the diaper bags and making sure the kids get what they are supposed to be drinking instead of each other’s drink.  It’s a constant game of memory and paranoid structuring.  When I was asked to do a review of the Lovable Labels Product, I jumped at the chance for something to help me with this issue.  I had labels made for two of the kids, thus eliminating most of my dilemma.

Plan for a Year Round Fire Fest!

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Friday, February 3, 2012

YOU BREAK UP and WE’LL MAKE UP- Eco Stores Giveaway!

YOU BREAK UP and WE’LL MAKE UP Valentine’s Day Contest

This just in from EcoStore USA!  EcoSTORE USA is focused on innovative and 

healthy products that are great for your family and for the environment. Step out of 

your comfort zone and Break Up with one of your Toxic products. 

EcoSTORE will make it up to you by replacing that product will an EcoSTORE 

brand equivalent. 

Dusting out the cob webs?!!!!!

It’s Valentine season and the invitation says that bringing something to spice up the wedding night can result in a prize?  Umm, huh, I’m on a budget and don’t know this persons size!!!  Not to mention, and it could be me, but I don’t really feel comfortable taking the kids into a Fredrick’s or something to search for a gift.  So, I cleaned, because it makes me think.  I sat their dusting and it hit me!  Why not put together a little something myself?  I went into the craft draw and then had to go back to cleaning.  I make kids crafts!  What in the world could I make that is cool, functional, and only slightly cheesy given the sexy little theme? 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Going Green: Eco Store Giveaway!!!!

Get started on going green and an early jump on your spring cleaning with this giveaway!!!!   Enter to win two full sized products from the EcoStore!  You get a full sized All-Purpose Cleaner and a full sized Sleepy Time Baby Bath!  Enter to win these two great products!

Going Green with Eco Store: Product Review

How many of you are going green?  How many of you are trying to find great products?  I was asked by eco-store to try their green products.  I agreed and was sent two products from two different lines.  One from their baby line of products and one from their household products!  So, why not.  I run a daycare and can always use baby and cleaning products!

Valentine Content Warning!!!!

Valentine Season is here and I would like to warn my readers that my content will briefly include more adult content/topics/crafts.  I understand if this isn't for you and don't worry it will go back to my more normal content after Valentines Day.  So, to kick of the Valentine Adult Days I offer to you this Giveaway!!!!!

Get ready to spice up your love life, after all that is how I became a mommy and I'm sure many of you, like me, need to re-kindle some of the spice to your love life!  I hope these adult postings help you add a little fire to your red hot holiday!  Trust me, your spouse will Thank You and appreciate your efforts!  After all, what is life about other than to love?!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bringing Color to the Kids!!!

Spring isn't too far off and I'm gearing up for the heat, luckily in Arizona we get a few months of amazing flowers!  One of our favorite things to do in the Spring is to go hiking during this season to look at the colors and different types of flowers.  I would love to be able to bring some of that home!  So, I've decided to set out and find some colorful flowers to plant with the kids!  I visited the site: Curbside Chaos and found out they are having an awesome giveaway!  Naturally I entered because who wouldn't want a 5,000 yard makeover plus a visit from Taniya Nayak!!!!! Visit Curbside Chaos and make sure to tweet the contest since each tweet gets 1.00 donated to Rebuilding Together (a non-profit organization who works hard to revitalize neighborhoods and preserve home ownership)!

Mommy Tools:Vista Print Review

As a business owner and blogger I'm always looking for ways to advertise and get my name out there. It is important as a business owner to have a good business card to send out, have for other business's to give out, and for your clients to have in their wallets! Writing a note on something with your name on it that someone puts on their fridge as a reminder can get their friends asking about you, having cards with your website and name are great for all those win a free lunch give away's at local eateries (plus free advertising if you win since they announce your name). Postcards or brochures are great if you participate in any sort of fundraiser or event (if you're donating a lot of times you can talk to them about including you on their websites as a donor or putting your information in a grab bag)! Postcards can be sent to Doctor offices or any place that applies to your business for them to post or just put up at the local starbucks neighbor hood boards!

Start off your day with coffee Review

Start of the day right! I will admit it, I love the morning brew! Start me up with a cup ofcoffee! That smell, that taste, that added burst of energy from the caffeine pulsing through my veins and my day is off. 

Window Shopping for Me!

The other day I was browsing the web for designer duds for the kids and found some adorable outfits.  Today, it's my turn!  I never really go shopping for myself, which is why I'm still wearing size 10 jeans on a size 6/8 body.  I, like you, am a mom and we just don't always have the time to put into ourselves like we used to, diapers, constantly looking at our kids pants and saying when did those pants become Capri's, and kids suddenly in belly shirts often keep us away from the Misses section.  Today, was different!  Today, I took a moment to look and dream of some designer duds for me!!!

English Toast Pancakes

Something is amiss with the pancakes I made this morning.  They all look like English Muffins!